Welcome to the Scentsy Life!

A place where we can be anything we set our hearts out to be.  

Together we can motivate, encourage & achieve our goals.  With our talents pooled, together we rise!

Aikya Waldo, SuperStar Consultant

How the heck are ya?

Hi!  I am Aikya Waldo & I am either your sponsor or your upline.  I joined Scentsy in August 2016 and it has changed my life.  Along with your Director & sponsor (if it's not me),  I will be here to cheer you on and support you every step of the way!

If you're on Facebook, you may have been invited to join our team/group Facebook support group, Heaven Scent Rockstars.  The Big Team pages can get really overwhelming when you first start and some of our team is not on Facebook.  There isn't a team presence on Instagram.  Between the shoutouts, promotions and all the excitement, the basic business trainings can get lost.  While Scentsy does offer everything you need on the workstation, sometimes it's helpful to have someone point you in the right direction.  A place where the resources are laid out for you.  My hope is that this site will help you simplify your business launch and help you be successful from the START!!!

Are you a part of our group's 

Facebook Page?

You Just Joined... Now What?!


Quick Tips and Info

Know the status of your order & learn the Scentsy lingo